Time to Fix-it-up | Your OBX property
Spring is almost here and we could not be more ready!  Here on the Outer Banks, we haven’t had any blizzards or record snowfalls, or anything like that, but we’re really looking forward to spring, nonetheless.  Of course, that also means our vacation season is coming up on us pretty quickly, too, so OBX property owners take note and make sure your home or homes are ready for your guests. This year is a little bit different than past years–Easter is very early–March 28, to be exact, and that does change things a bit. The time to get your property looking the way you want it to look and to get all those repairs done is shorter than in the past few years.And property owners in Nags Head, Kill Devil Hills and Kitty Hawk–don’t forget that Mike Kelly’s St. Patty’s Day bash is coming up and that always brings a crowd. Nothing like the summer, of course, but the streets are lined with a lot of residents and a good portion of visitors.
One of the interesting things that has been happening is the Outer Banks has become better and better at marketing itself as more than just a summer getaway. Weddings have become huge business; we are seeing more and more special events scheduled in the shoulder seasons. The result is more opportunity for rentals and revenue for property owners.Under the heading of unanticipated consequences, though, the pressure to keep your property in topnotch condition has become even greater . . . and the time you have to get that maintenance done has become shorter and shorter.
Adding to the pressure in keeping your property looking the way you want it too, the Outer Banks is experiencing a bit of building boom–something we have reported on a number of times.That’s great–our neighbors are going back to work, people are feeling a little bit better about themselves. However, if you need someone to work on your home, it can create a problem.Hopefully, maintenance and repairs have already been scheduled for your home. If not, it’s important to get things scheduled as quickly as possible. The building boom is great, but it does mean getting your work scheduled may be a problem. Exacerbating the problem, during the construction downturn, a number of construction workers moved out of the area. For the most part the best stayed, but the pool of skilled workers is a little smaller than in the past.If at all possible, May should be the goal to get your Outer Banks property ready for the season. Ensuring your home is renter-ready will make your happy guests, return guests.
If you have some questions about how you can improve property and maximize your rental income, give David Pergerson, Resort Realty New Owner Consultant, a call. David can give you a free property management projection so you can make sure you are getting the most from your investment.
David Pergerson
New Owner Consultant
252-441-5000 ext. 2010