The Outer Banks is one of the most pet-friendly areas in the country; you can ask your dog, we’re sure they’ll agree. However, each town on the Outer Banks has different rules for your pooch. If you would like to bring your dog to the beach, be sure to follow these rules to ensure you have a relaxing vacation and your pup has the best time possible!
Even though each town has their own unique rules, there are a few rules that apply to every town:
1. Dog owners are expected to pick up all waste produced by their pets.
2. Whether a town requires dogs to be leashed or not, all towns require owners to pay close attention to their dogs while on the beach.
3. Service dogs are permitted on all beaches no matter what time of the year.
If you are staying in a Corolla vacation rental and are considering bringing your dog to the beach, be sure to bring a leash. Dogs are allowed on the beach all year long in Corolla! You must keep your furry friend on a leash though and pay close attention to them.

Lucky Duck! Dogs are allowed to enjoy the beach in Duck without a leash year-round, but you must pay close attention to your dog. If you are walking elsewhere in Duck’s town limits, your dog must be wearing a leash. The leash should not be longer than 10 feet.

Southern Shores
Dogs are not allowed on the beach from 9 AM to 6 PM from May 15th to September 15th. Outside of those times, and in other areas of the town, dogs must be on a leash.

Kitty Hawk
Kitty Hawk allows your furry friend to enjoy time with you on the beach. From the Friday before Memorial Day to the day after Labor Day, between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m., your dog must be on a leash. That leash cannot be longer than 6 feet. Outside of that time period, the leash can have a length of up to 12 feet. If you decide to take the leash off your dog, the dog must remain within 30 feet of you, and you must pay close attention.

Kill Devil Hills
Dogs are not permitted on Kill Devil Hills public beaches from May 15 to September 15 between 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. unless the dog is a service dog. Outside of this time period, your dog must be wearing a leash on the beach.

Nags Head
In Nags Head, your dog can enjoy the beach all year round! They must be wearing a leash no longer than 8 feet and you need to keep a close eye on them at all times.

The town of Manteo permits dogs to be on the waterfront throughout the year if they are on a leash. Leashes cannot be longer than 6 feet.

Cape Hatteras National Seashore
Beaches designated as swimming beaches on the Cape Hatteras National Seashore don’t allow dogs. On beaches not designated as swimming beaches, dogs are allowed with a leash that is no longer than 6 feet long.

Ocracoke Island
Ocracoke Island swimming beaches do not allow dogs. However, on other Ocracoke beaches, dogs must be wearing a leash that is up to 6 feet long.

For more information on rules for pets on the Outer Banks, you can visit Outer Banks Beach Access for more info. You can see all of our pet friendly Outer Banks vacation rentals here. We’re happy to help you find the perfect vacation home for your family and pets!