The OBX offers what most places have lost…

Few sights on earth can fill us with the wonder, curiosity, and perspective that stargazing can. With light pollution filling up most of the skies these days, it can be hard to find a place to view the awe-inspiring beauty of the night sky. Less than 100 years ago, almost anyone could look up and see the starry night sky. Now, millions of children across the globe will never get to experience the Milky Way where they live.

Luckily, you can still escape to the Outer Banks to take in all the wonders the universe has to offer.

Pinterest – OBX Connection – Credit: Dave LoSapio

Few places in the world offer access to such ideal stargazing locations. In fact, the Outer Banks holds 2 of the 12 best places to stargaze in North Carolina, as named by QC Exclusive.

Stargazing on the outer banks
QC Exclusive

Come, lay on the beach, and let the universe show you a whole new outlook on life. Spend the early evening beside a bonfire, watch the sunset over the water, then get lost soaking up the marvels of the night sky.

The fall and winter months are the perfect time to visit the Outer Banks. Rates are lower, traffic is scarce, and you can have the beach to yourself. The weather is mild and the beaches are gorgeous.

With up to 7 planets visible at any one time, November is one of the most ideal stargazing months for North Carolina. Island Free Press tells us just what to look for in OBX November skies.

Plus, with all the new technologies out there, it is easy to spot the most alluring sights, learn new constellations, and entertain the whole family with interactive maps. We suggest checking out the free “Sky Guide” app.

Beached Boat Ocracoke Island